Al Mudam Youth Center

Al Mudam Youth Center


  • Throughout the year: Saturday - Thursday 5pm to 8pm.
  • Holy month of Ramadan: 9:30 pm to 11:30 pm.

Telephone: 068821153

Al Mudam Youth Center opened its doors in 2004, and it offers several activities within five main tracks: Literature and Languages, Science and Technology, Entrepreneurship, Arts, and Sports.

The center offers a number of activities in the area of Literature and Languages including reading, appreciation for literature, and other cultural activities such as writing short stories and poetry, debates, and a variety of literary elements. Youth can improve their reading habits and develop literary and critical skills.

As for the Science and Technology track, it offers activities related to robotics, programming, scientific inventions, and innovation.

In the field of Entrepreneurship, the center offers many activities related to leadership and personal development, in addition to human capital investment, financial investment, volunteerism, and developing initiatives. Youth entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to acquire the skills needed to solve problems, communicate effectively and initiate initiatives.

In the field of Arts, youth can benefit from a variety of activities such as music, visual and plastic arts, theater, and cinema.

In the field of Sports, the center's facilities are an integral part of its offerings, with many activities available. These include indoor football, swimming, water polo, table tennis, martial arts, and archery. Youth will have the opportunity to acquire the skills they need in a variety of sports.